Monday, 17 January 2011

I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

Ok, so it's 3 months, nearly, since my last post on here. Since then I have confirmed 3 weeks off from work, and gained acceptance from my family that I'm going on 18th April.

So why haven't I actually started to book things, like the ferry? I've been wondering that myself and have come to the conclusion that, for the last year, my head has been ruling my heart in deciding to tour eastern Europe. However, deep down inside, in my heart of hearts, I really want to do the American thing.

Not sure what to do really. For the difference in cost (about £1500), should I bite the bullet and just do Route 66? What would you do? On the other hand, that sort of money would get me started with a dirt bike, which is what I want to do when I get back. Decisions, decisions. Trouble is, all the time I'm dithering, the ferry price is going up. Got to decide soon..........

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