Monday, 9 May 2011

Safely Home

A long couple of days travelling and I have arrived back home safely, after an uneventful journey.

I decided to travel back to the UK from Seattle as the San Francisco flights were looking very busy. So first flight of the day was north to Washington State. I got to Seattle by 9am, and faced a long wait for the BA flight to London that evening. At least the airport had free Wi-Fi so that helped pass the time.

Compared to Heathrow's T5, many of the American airports (like Seattle) are very sparse, with little to help you pass the time. T5 is basically a shopping mall built on top of a baggage system, that happens to have some gates for the aircraft to pull up to. At least there's plenty to do to help you spend a few hours.

Eventually, the time passed and the check in desk opened. The lovely lady who checked me in gave me a nice seat in Club (Business) Class, and I went air-side, to the bar to spend the last of my dollars.

The flight back to the UK passed quickly as I slept through most of it, and I was in Heathrow by lunchtime on Sunday, ready for my last flight of the day back to Newcastle. Once again, a quiet uneventful flight.

It was lovely to walk out of the arrivals hall, with all my luggage having safely made it as well, to see Gillian, Simon and Nathan waiting for me! A short drive later and I was home at last, in time for dinner.

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